Monday 24 September 2012

Thousands Protest Anti-Islam Film In Kaduna

Thousands Protest Anti-Islam Film In Kaduna

Muslims protesting against anti-Mohammed film in Kaduna today.
Shiite Muslims in their thousands trooped out in Kaduna, Kaduna State in Northcentral Nigeria today to protest the widely-condemned anti-Islam film.
The protesters gathered at Asikolaiye along Nnamdi Azikiwe Western bye pass Road and marched through streets, carrying placards with inscriptions such as:  ‘Death To America,’ and ‘Death To Israel and England.’
They dragged the flags of America and Israel on the roads as they protested.
They also chanted anti-America, anti-Israel and other western countries’ songs.
The protesting Shiite Muslims of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria included women, children and elderly members of the movement.
They caused  traffic logjam along the busy Kaduna Western Bypass renamed after late Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe.
One of the organisers said the Shiite leader, Malam Muktar Sahabi, will address the press in the course of the protest.
Though the state government had earlier opposed the protest in the state for security reasons, the Muslims who started converging on Kaduna State since Sunday, insisted that they would go ahead with the protest irrespective of government’s permission.
It was gathered that the state government was left with no option than to allow the protest to avert crisis.
However, the government deployed a team of armed soldiers and policemen to the areas where the protest was going on to control the crowd and contain possible outbreak of violence .
One of the protesters who spoke to P.M.NEWS said: “we cannot allow useless America and their allies to rubbish our Holy Prophet, peace be upon him and Islam as a religion.”
According to him, the reason for the protest in Kaduna is to tell  America and Israel that the so-called sin of Mohammed cannot stop them from practising Islam as a religion.
Meanwhile, the protest within Kaduna metropolis has heightened tension among traders who were seen closing their shops and hurriedly returning home.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Is it true that Boko-Haram hate western education? Look at these photos and tell me your opinion.

JTF Takes Over Boko Haram’s Command & Control Center - Report

The military Joint Task Force today further dealt a massive blow to the operational capabilty of the terrorist group Boko Haram following a successful operation launched at the group’s command and control center in Kano.

Reecall that two members of the sect had been captured yesterday after a gun battle with the military and officers of the SSS. One of those captured is believed to be Abu Qada, the group’s spokesman and “media coordinator.”

The JTF in a statement emailed to THEWILL said, “Following further operation in the suspects heavily wired IED hideout, the following items were recovered: Two AK 47 rifles, Two Pump Action Rifles, One Berretta Rifle, One Smoke Discharger, 433 rounds of 7.62 Nato ammunition, 80 rounds of 7.62 special ammunition, 2 AK 47 magazines, 36 Prepared IEDs, 13 Laptops, Two motorcycles, Four Printers, One photocopier, One 33 slots Zenith Disc writer, One TG 3900Ez Generator set, Religious Books, large quantity of CD plates, Two decoders, Two Satellite dish, One 21'' Television set, One DVD player, 2 Bags of Urea fertilizer, One Elite dry cell 12v battery, One blue gate UPS, One stabilizer, 10 Hand held Motorola radios and 5 Battery chargers.”

The JTF further said, “this latest encounter with the terrorist group have foiled its planned attack to wreck havoc on the good people of Kano state. It has equally further depleted the capacity of the terrorist group to operate. The JTF would like to use this medium to reiterate its resolve to continue to work assiduously towards the protection of lives and property in the state.

“The relative peace which Kano enjoys today can be attributed to the collective effort and prayers of the good people of Kano State.”

The JTF appealed to the general public to continue to volunteer information while assuring the utmost confidentiality in dealing with such information.

“Residents are therefore enjoined to go about their normal lawful business activity without any fear as security agents are ready and will respond swiftly to any treat to life and property in any part of the state,” the JTF added.


Tuesday 18 September 2012

2 workers found at the bottom of a pool in a Chinese-owned company in Lagos

2 workers found at the bottom of a pool in a Chinese-owned company in Lagos

So, I got this email last week from a guy who said his friend's brother who worked for a Chinese company died in the company's pool sometime last week.

He said the young factory worker decided to sleep over at the company and the following evening, his body and that of another colleague were found inside the company's swimming pool, with blood coming out of their ears, nostrils, and mouth. They say they suspect foul play.

I didn't put up the story at the time because I wanted to get more info. The new info I have now are the names of the dead men, the name of the company and the address. I will leave the company's name out of this for now because most of the police stations contacted around the area about this case said they are not aware of no one has reported it. The company is situated at Rev Ogunbiyi Str., Ikeja and the names of the dead men are: Imhonbhio Martins Odion from Ewohimi, Edo state and Richard Dada from Ugoja Rivers State.

Chris Okotie

Why I sent Stephanie Packing' - Rev Chris Okotie

Since ending his four year marriage to Stephanie Henshaw in June this year, Pastor Chris Okotie has never really opened up about what led to his decision to end his marriage. There has been a lot of speculations in the media and he finally decided to react to some of it. He gave an exclusive interview to City People magazine through a minister in his church, Rev Grace Funmi Paul, a member of House Hold of God for the past 25 years. It's a long interview but I'm just going to pick some parts I think might interest you all. See it below...
Rev Grace Paul: A blind person knows that my pastor loved his wife, Stephanie, passionately. This year before the separation, he had taken her out of the country at least three times to different places like Dubai, US and so on. He loved her, so did the congregation but the bible says that two cannot walk together except they agree. In the establishment of the kingdom of God, the rules change because the rules are made by God and not by man. So, it didn't have to do with what pastor wanted to do, because left to him, his love will keep him struggling and going at it but if God gives him instruction he has to follow it through.

City People: If I get you correctly, it was Jesus instructions for Pastor Chris to part ways with Stephanie?
Rev Grace: Let me give you a precedent. In the bible, there's a queen called Queen Vershti of Persia. The king invited his wife and said - come woman, I want to show you off to my people and the woman had an attitude. She had pride issues. It was at that point she said to the king "Excuse me, I am making up, how can you be humiliating me by telling me to come and sit down so that people can be looking at me." So she refused and the people of the kingdom rose up against her, and they said the king must let her go, and that was how Esther came in. That is the principle of The Kingdom. In the two cases of my pastor's former wives, it was an abdication of roles. One was a physical abdication, and the other was a spiritual abdication. In the matters of the Kingdom of God, when you abdicate your position, your position will be taken over, because the calling my pastor has, he is not called to work alone (Linda says - get ready for another pastor Okotie wedding hehe)

CP: In Stephanie's case, was it a case of spiritual or physical abdication?
Rev Grace: Her case was spiritual abdication, but either ways it amounts to the same thing, because the scripture states clearly that if unbelieving departs, let him depart, you are not bound.

CP: Any efforts to patch things up?
Rev Grace: Spiritual things can not be patched up. When there are two people who are not the same kind, it is not a matter of patching up.

CP: So is the congregation happy that the pastor is single again and is there any plans to replace Stephanie?
Rev Grace: The congregation is not in the position to replace Stephanie. My pastor is a full grown man, and he knows what he's doing. In the case of our pastor's first wife, she insisted that where she wanted to do her church work was in the US. As for Stephanie, I cannot be intruding. As much as I am authorised to do what I am doing, I can't disrespect my pastor and Stephanie. If I begin to give you some details, they would amount to disrespect. My pastor has insisted that they want to keep it private.

CP: Pastor Chris once said that the instruction to marry Stephanie was from God
Rev Grace: If you know my pastor, he is a passionate person. They had a long time relationship before they got married. My pastor is particularly careful about beautiful women because he knows that the devil desires them. So when a beautiful woman has issues in church, he ministers to them, and because he does that, people jump to the conclusion that he sleeps with them, which is not true. Just like Queen Ure, pastor has never had an affair with her, will never have an affair with her because they are not of the same kind (Linda says - What does 'not of the same kind' mean?). Ure was pastoring her own church, until she became bored.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Woman gives birth to horse! How possible?

Members of World Liberation Ministry located at Evuoriaria Community, off Benin-Sapele Road, Benin City were on Tuesday thrown into confusion when a woman gave birth to a horse-like creature. The pony however came out dead from the woman.
The woman whose identity was hidden from journalists by members of the church, was said to have suddenly screamed during the prayer session and she started bleeding from the private part before the horse finally came out her.
Leader of the church, Evangelist Rev. Silva Wealth said he was also in shock and amazement at what came out of the woman.
He said a revelation came to him during prayer session that there was a woman with an issue and that something was blocking her womb.
Evangelist Silva said as prayers intensified, the woman started screaming and bleeding started when the object came out. But he couldn’t confirm whether the horse was dead or alive because he didn’t go near it.
“I can’t describe the object. We have seen people vomiting several things during our service, but not this type of thing. God has been blessing our ministry with prophesies and miracles,”he said, adding that people rushed to the church to catch a glimpse of the horse when news of the delivery filtered into town.
The Cleric who confirmed that there had been several prophecies in the church said: “I wouldn’t know, I was not focusing on her and I didn’t go back to her after the prayers. I have been in my office administering and counselling members.
“We have been having series of miracles in this church, but this was a surprise to every members who were present that morning. I was amazed that it’s quiet different from what we have been seeing, during our prayer sessions in which God has always intervene by various miracles.”
The woman was said to have gone for medical check up but Silva promised to make her available to journalists.
Meanwhile, Elders and leaders of the Evboriaria community have launched investigation into what they termed as abominable act.