Wednesday 29 October 2014

Zambian President Died.

CNN) -- Zambian President Michael Sata, who was nicknamed "King Cobra" for his fiery comebacks and 
larger-than-life personality, has died. He was 77.
Sata had traveled to London for unspecified medical treatment last week, and died at a hospital there Tuesday evening. Officials did not disclose a cause of death.
"It's shocking, it's devastating, because I knew he was sick. But I did not know it was going to end this way," said George Zulu, permanent secretary at the Zambian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "(We) lost a man who devoted his whole life to his country."

Thursday 23 October 2014

An intruder scaled the White House fence

An intruder scaled the White House fence Wednesday, but was quickly pounced on by guard dogs in the latest scare since an armed man made it into the executive mansion last month.
Secret Service officials said Dominic Adesanya, 23, of Bel Air, Md., climbed over the fence near the North Lawn of the White House at 7:16 p.m., but was quickly subdued by K-9 units.Adesanya kicked one of the dogs, but a second one stopped him and Secret Service agents tackled him, officials said.
“The dog got him,” a Secret Service spokesman said.He has been charged with two counts of assault on a police dog, four counts of resisting arrest and  unlawful entry and one count of making threats.         
Adesanya's father told the local press that his son is dealing with mental illness issues. He said the 23-year-old suffers from paranoia and has complained of hearing voices.

Dominic Adesanya previously attended Stevenson University in Maryland but is no longer enrolled. On his LinkedIn profile, he lists his job title as 'American Slave.'

LINKEDINDominic Adesanya previously attended Stevenson University in Maryland but is no longer enrolled. On his LinkedIn profile, he lists his job title as 'American Slave.

 “We wanted to get him help, and we’ve been asking the government to give him help and nobody has wanted to help us get help for him,” the man, who didn't want to be identified, told WMAR-TV.

According to his father, Adesanya was arrested at the White House two months ago after he argued with security guards who wouldn't allow him to enter. He was charged with a misdemeanor.  
Adesanya had previously attended Stevenson University, but is no longer a student at the Maryland school. On his LinkedIn profile he lists his job title as "American Slave."
Video footage released Wednesday night showed the man in white shorts and a dark shirt kicking and punching one of the dogs before agents arrested him.
The White House was put on lockdown. The incident occurred shortly after President Obama met with senior advisers in the Oval Office.
“The individual was immediately taken into custody on the North Lawn of the White House by Secret Service Uniformed Division K-9 teams and Uniformed Division Officers,” the Secret Service spokesman said.
Adesanya was taken to a local hospital for evaluation, the spokesman said. 
Adesanya kicked one of the dogs, but a second one stopped him and Secret Service agents tackled him, officials said.
The two dogs, named Hurricane and Jordan, that stopped Adesanya were taken to a veterinarian and treated for minor bruising.
Both dogs were cleared to return to duty. 
The security breach comes as Omar Gonzalez, 42, a retired U.S. soldier who served in Iraq, scaled the fence on Sept. 19, entered the White House through an unlocked door and made it to the East Room before Secret Service agents tackled him. Officials said Gonzalez was armed with a serrated knife at the time.
The incident came after several security breaches at the White House and prompted the resignation of Secret Service Director Julia Pierson.

Unsuspecting woman went to her Doctor with suspected kidney - then gave birth in surgery

Clare Evans with baby Erin. A woman who didnt know she was pregnant has given birth to a healthy baby... after heading to her GP thinking she had a kidney infection.Clare Evans, from Newport, South Wales, went to see her family doctor after complaining of abdominal pains - but was shocked to discover the cause.

Unsuspecting Clare Evans, from Newport, South Wales, had no idea she was expecting until her waters broke while in the toilets at her GPs.
But after a lightning-fast labour, the 24-year-old gave birth to Erin Louise Roberts, weighing in at 6lbs 12oz at 1.24pm, in the treatment room on October 6.
Earlier that morning, Clare had contacted the out-of-hours service at Risca Surgery.             
"They told me on the phone that they suspected I had a kidney infection, so advised me to come in later on that day," she said.
Did you welcome your baby into the world in a special way? Tell us about it at the bottom of this article
Baby Erin Louise Roberts with mum Clare Evans
Shock birth: Baby Erin with mum Clare Evans
"When I got to the surgery I was in quite a lot of pain and because they thought it was an infection, asked me to give a urine sample. But when I went to the toilet my waters broke."
Clare was rushed into the treatment room at the surgery and after being examined by a doctor she was told staff could see a head and that she was nine centimetres dilated.
She said: "I was so shocked; I told them that I didn't know I was pregnant. My life changed then and there in a matter of seconds.             
"I had no signs of pregnancy, I didn't have any morning sickness and I didn't have a bump.           
"The first sign was the pain I experienced that morning."             
Clare Evans who went to her doctor for what she thought was a kidney infection, but turned out she was pregnan
Newborn: Erin Roberts was born at a GPs surgery
Although an ambulance was called, Clare's contractions were so close together baby Erin had to be delivered at the surgery there and then by Dr Susan Emerson, her partners and the on-call midwife.             
And Clare, who was full term, managed the half-an-hour birth with no pain relief.
Mother and baby were then taken to Newport's Royal Gwent Hospital to be checked over, but they were both healthy and discharged.
Two-week-old Erin is the first and only baby to be born at Risca Surgery.
Nurse manager Sarah Bell said: "I can confirm that the baby was born here, it was our very first baby to be delivered on site in over 30 years!"
Risca Surgery, Newport
Surprise: Staff at Risca Surgery, in Newport, sprang into action to deal with the unexpected labour
First-time mum Clare said she was overwhelmed by the surgery staff, as well as the midwife and paramedics, who helped during the labour.             
She added: "My friends and family have been great. My sister, who was also extremely shocked has been brilliant and has given me loads of items, including a pram which she used for her daughter."             
"The whole community has been great; everyone has been so helpful and come together, as before I had Erin, I didn't even have one nappy!             
"I love motherhood, even though it was completely unexpected I wouldn't change it for the world."    


Bomb Blast kills Five in Bauchi

A bomb exploded at a bus station in northern Nigeria's Bauchi state late on Wednesday, killing at least five people and wounding 12, police said.
The blast, which struck the town of Azare, is likely to be blamed on Islamist Boko Haram militants, casting further doubt on government reports that it had reached a temporary ceasefire with the rebels in order to secure the release of more than 200 schoolgirls they are holding hostage.
Police did not comment on who was behind the attack.
The insurgents have repeatedly bombed public places since they launched an uprising demanding an Islamic state in religiously mixed Nigeria five years ago. They have stepped up their campaign this year, setting off deadly blasts across the country.
"Five persons burned beyond recognition were certified dead, while 12 others sustained various degrees of injuries," Bauchi police spokesman Haruna Mohammed said in a statement.
"The entire surrounding (area) has been cordoned off ... No arrest has yet been made, but an investigation has commenced."
Nearly a week after the government announced a ceasefire deal with Boko Haram, which it said would include the release of the girls kidnapped from the secondary school in Chibok in northeastern Nigeria in April, there is still no sign of them being freed.
A number of attacks has raised doubts over the ceasefire, although Boko Haram is so factionalized it is possible a truce has been reached with one group, while others continue with violence.
Talks to release the schoolgirls are taking place this week between the government and a Boko Haram representative in the Chadian capital N'Djamena, but they are shrouded in secrecy.
A Chadian diplomat told Reuters that a deal could still be reached if this faction has ultimate control over the girls -- although analysts say that could be divided between several cooperating factions.
Boko Haram, which only communicates messages via jihadist videos of a man claiming to be its leader Abubakar Shekau, has not yet commented on the alleged ceasefire.

Boko Haram abducts 60 women in Adamawa

Despite the ceasefire declaration and efforts by the federal government to negotiate the release of over 200 Chibok schoolgirls who were abducted by Boko Haram in April, about 60 women were reportedly kidnapped by the terror sect from Waga Mangoro and Garta villages in Madagali Local Government Area of Adamawa State following renewed attacks unleashed by the insurgents.
However, as news broke about the most recent abductions in the North-east, the House of Representatives on Wednesday approved the $1 billion loan request made by President Goodluck Jonathan for the procurement of military hardware to end the insurgency.
Whilst 40 women were said to have been abducted from Waga Mangoro, 20 were forcibly uprooted from their homes in Garta.
Sixty women were reportedly abducted by suspected members of the deadly Boko Haram sect at Waga Mangoro and Garta villages, both in troubled Adamawa State during a fresh attack.
Forty of the women were said to have been abducted in Waga Mangoro and the other 20 were forcefully taken away from Grata.
Some of the fleeing residents from the area, who called journalists in Yola on the telephone lamented that scores of insurgents riding motorcycles and driving vans had invaded their towns.
The fleeing residents while lamenting the capture of the two towns, said they were able to sneak out of the captured towns on Tuesday, but disclosed that their villages were ravaged on Saturday.
One of those that was about to flee the area, Tizhe Kwada told journalists that the area had been under the control of the insurgents for about two months now.
He said that though one of the attacked towns, Garta had been under what could be termed as the control of the insurgents for sometimes now, but that did not stop them from overrunning it and carting away the young women.
Kwada claimed that the insurgents cordon off the entire town and went from one house to another in Garta in search of young women who they took in their vans to an unknown destination.
He said, “The insurgents are still in the area. And they have slaughtered many men in Garta and abducted many young women. We also heard from residents of Wagga that they killed two men and took 40 women away from there.”
A community leader from Michika, a neighbouring town to the two attacked towns, Emmanuel Kwache, while confirming the incident to journalists in Yola on Wednesday said, “I got the information from villagers in the area that the rampage was still in progress.”
But when he was contacted, the Chairman of Madagali Local Government Area, James Watharda, said “I had all along been in Yola since the insurgents took over the area and as such I can speak little of happening in the area.”
As of the time of filing the story, both the military and security agencies could not be reached for confirmation.

Melissa Rivers Will Inherit $110 Million From Late Mother Joan Rivers

Melissa Rivers allegedly has inherited the bulk of her late mother Joan's multi-million dollar estate.
According to US Weekly, the 46-year-old will inherit $75 million in cash as well as her mother's $35 million New York apartment.
Melissa's 13-year-old son Cooper has received his own bequest, a source told the publication.
Scroll down for video 
Sizable amount: Melissa Rivers allegedly has inherited the bulk of her late mother Joan's multi-million dollar estate
Sizable amount: Melissa Rivers allegedly has inherited the bulk of her late mother Joan's multi-million dollar estate
But inheriting her mother's sizable estate hasn't brought much comfort to Melissa. 
'It's no consolation for losing her mother so soon,' said the source.  
Meanwhile, the world will never know what action killed the comedian after a routine surgery, because her heartbroken daughter told doctors NOT to perform an autopsy.
Joan died last month after a throat surgery left her brain dead.
Her daughter was left so despondent by her mother's sudden and unexpected passing that she specifically requested no autopsy be conducted, TMZ reports.
Opulent: The 46-year-old will inherit $75 million in cash as well as her mother's $35 million New York apartment
Opulent: The 46-year-old will inherit $75 million in cash as well as her mother's $35 million New York apartment
Luxurious: The walls in the 5,000-square-foot apartment were gold-plated 
Luxurious: The walls in the 5,000-square-foot apartment were gold-plated 
According to New York law, a family member can request that if there's no evidence of criminality associated with the death.
Rivers died from a 'predictable' complication involved in the throat procedure, the New York Medical Examiner reported.
A further autopsy could have pinpointed what exactly what went wrong during the surgery - such as a puncture in the throat or some other trauma.
Her grandson: Melissa's 13-year-old son Cooper has received his own bequest
Her grandson: Melissa's 13-year-old son Cooper has received his own bequest
Yorkville Endoscopy, the clinic where Rivers underwent surgery, has since been deemed deficient in four major categories required for accreditation following an investigation by the New York State Health Department. If it does not correct these problems, it will lose its license on January 7 of next year.
In a October 9 letter to the clinic's director of operations, Tricia Dougherty, obtained by MailOnline, the categories the clinic is 'noncompliant in the following four areas: 'governing body and management, surgical services, medical staff and patient rights.'
In the dark: Melissa was left so despondent by her mother's sudden and unexpected passing that she specifically requested no autopsy be conducted, pictured earlier this month at LAX
In the dark: Melissa was left so despondent by her mother's sudden and unexpected passing that she specifically requested no autopsy be conducted, pictured earlier this month at LAX
'This is a big, big deal,' Dr. Jerome Waye, a Manhattan gastroenterologist who has spoken with physicians on the Yorkville staff about the investigation, told MailOnline.
'They won't be able to take Medicare patients, and that's got to be at least half their clientele.'
'I don't know of any circumstance where the whole Medicare certification is pulled over one doctor doing one procedure,' said Waye.
'I'm quite surprised that Medicare has come down on Yorkville like this,' Waye said

Nicki Minaj falls asleep FOUR TIMES in one interview as she refuses to discuss famous bum

We can't believe it;s a no-go subject
Nicki Minaj has finally revealed how she always has so much energy on stage - she sleeps everywhere, wherever she goes, and whatever she's doing.
OK so we're sure that's not true, but the singer managed to create what must be a record recently and dozed off four times during one interview. FOUR TIMES

Hip-hip artist Nicki Minaj performs onstage at Fashion Rocks 2014 presented by Three Lions Entertainment at the Barclays Center of Brooklyn in New York City.
What? THAT bum?

Chatting to GQ magazine about hit song Anaconda, Nicki struggled to keep her eyes open, and the mag's Taffy Brodessor-Akner wrote: "To be completely accurate, she never fell into actual REM sleep during our interview, but at four separate times she dozed off, her head jerking awake at just the moment it had started to dip.
"In between, she was what I could call low-key and reserved, because I am generous, but the picture looked like this: those eyelids, falling, falling over eyes that would cross momentarily, closing for a moment but staying too long - a blink that lasted a few blinks longer than a blink."
But in between those cheeky naps, Nicki managed to stutter out a few inside bits of information about Anaconda.
She said it "is just talking about two guys that she dated in the past and what they're good at and what they bought her and what they said to her. It's just cheeky, like a funny story."
Nicki added: "At first I'm being sexual with the banana, and then it's like, 'Ha-ha, no'."
But despite the video being largely about her world famous bum, Nicki was reluctant to say a lot, and told the magazine: "I don't know what there is to really talk about."
Erm, OK, let us remind you Nicki:

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Kim Kardashian And Amber Rose Share A Lot More Than A Birthday.

Happy simultaneous birthday   to  Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian!

These two big-bootied femmes are not only Libras born on the exact same day, 

but they have plenty more in common than just their day of birth!

October 21st, 1983.

Born October 21st, 1980.





Lionel Richie rubbishes false claims that he is Khloe Kardashian's real father

Wild Eighties: A source had claimed that the reality star's mother Kris Jenner had an affair in the 'wild 1980s' with the Dancing On The Ceiling sensation and Khloe is the love child of their 'sexual affair'

The Hello legend told it straight when asked about the Khloe Kardashian paternity rumours

Lionel Richie has denied being Khloe Kardashian's father after he was asked whether he was the daddy following the recent sensational rumours.
The Dancing On The Ceiling star was spotted coming out of dinner earlier this week at Madeo in Beverly Hills when he was questioned about being the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star.
"No of course not," he said. "But you know what, they are my kids. They are my kids, they grew up in my house."
Richie, whose daughter Nicole was childhood best friends with Kim Kardashian, added that he thinks a lot of Khloe and despite her age - would welcome her into his family.
He said: "No, I'm not the dad. But I would adopt her!"
Last week, Khloe Kardashian has laughed off the report claiming that Lionel Richie is her “real father”.
The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has been bullied for years with rumours that the late Robert Kardashian was not her dad but that his client, O.J Simpson was.
Now the latest rumour claims that Motown legend is her daddy – and Khloe says hell no.
Earlier today, In Touch Weekly have reportedly published a story making the sensational and unsubstantiated claim, calling it a “stunning game changer in the ongoing paternity saga.”

Khloe has now told GossipCop: “I’ve had so many dads my head is spinning lol.”
Questions arose over who Khloe’s daddy was when Kris Jenner admitted to having an affair around the time that Khloe was conceived in her book, Kris Jenner and All Things Kardashian.
In 2012, Kris tried to get Khloe to take a paternity test on the family’s reality show to try and put the rumours dogging them to bed.
On the show, Kris said: “Khloe has had it with me torturing he over this swab test.

CMT Music Awards 2014
“I know all the rumours are absolutely ridiculous, but I know this is something she needs in order to feel complete.”
Calling on the family to help convince Khloe to do the test, Khloe told her mum: “Mom, I don’t care what they’re saying … because everyone is calling me fat, do you want me to go get lipo?”
“Seriously, my dad is Robert Kardashian. My other dad is Bruce Jenner,” she continued. “If you f***ed other people during the same time and you do not know, go on Maury!”

The star even wrote her mother a letter about why she didn’t need scientific results to prove who her father was.
 “I don’t need someone to tell me who my family is. I have had the blessing of having two phenomenal fathers. I don’t need a DNA test to prove who my father is,” it read.

N3.3bn new Government House Is Fayemi’s Show of Wickedness To Ekiti People

Fayemi & wife spent N100m on their bedrooms – Fayose's aide claims

New governor of Ekiti state Ayo Fayose has accused former governor Kayode Fayemi of spending a whooping N50million on beds in his and his wife's bedroom at the Ekiti State Govt House which they recently vacated. (one of the beds pictured above). The new governor claimed that between Fayemi and his wife, what was spent on their bedrooms, toilets and bathrooms will be in the region of N100m

Fayose made this accusation in a statement that was released on Monday by his Special Assistant Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka. The new governor described the newly built Government House in the state as a show of wickedness to Ekiti people, many of whom cannot afford to feed once a day. 

Ekiti State Governor, Ayodele Fayose, has accused his predecessor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, of spending N50m on beds in his and his wife’s bedrooms in the newly built Ekiti State Government House.
He claimed in a statement made available to journalists in Ado-Ekiti on Tuesday that what was spent on the two bedrooms, their toilets and bathrooms was in the region of N100m.
The statement titled “N3.3bn new Government House Is Fayemi’s Show of Wickedness To Ekiti People,” was signed by his Special Assistant on Information and Social Media, Mr. Lere Olayinka.
But Fayemi, through his media aide, Olayinka Oyebode, said the allegation   was more about The Comedy of Errors. He advised Fayose to stop the theatre of absurd.
The statement by Olayinka described the new government house as an act of insensitivity to the plight of Ekiti people, many of whom, could not afford to feed once in a day.
According to the statement, no progressive-minded Ekiti person would see the “out-of-this-world luxury” provided with over N3.3bn borrowed funds for Fayemi, his wife and children and will not weep for the state and its people.
It claimed that the bed on which Fayemi slept before he left government   was   N30m while that   of his wife was over N20m.

“How can a responsible government use borrowed funds to provide this kind of luxury for the governor and his family alone in a state where a lot of people cannot afford to feed more than once in a day?The statement read in part, “Between Fayemi and his wife, what was spent on their bedrooms, toilets and bathrooms will be in the region of N100m.
“People should ask the former governor what was really wrong with the abandoned governor’s lodge used by his (Fayemi) predecessors?
“Shouldn’t such funds expended on the hilltop edifice have been used to resuscitate the moribund textile factory in Ado-Ekiti that was turned to lock-up shops to provide employment for our teeming   youths?
“Also, was Fayemi living in that manner of opulence before he became governor? Was he sleeping on a body-massaging bed and bathing in an electric-controlled Jacuzzi?
“Here is Fayemi, who could not pay workers salaries, owing them two-month   salaries before he left. A Fayemi, who out of sheer wickedness refused to pay pensioners N2.4bn pension and gratuities; N400m workers leave bonus, N700m subventions to parastatals and tertiary institutions and remit N2.4bn four months’ cooperative society’s deductions from workers salaries preferring to use N3.3bn borrowed funds to provide luxury for himself, his wife and children alone.
“This is wickedness!’’
The statement quoted Fayose as being alarmed at the waste of Ekiti resources to provide comfort for a single family out of the thousands of households in the state.
It added, “The governor would have preferred to sell out the property and use the fund to provide basic amenities and employment opportunities for the people.”
The statement also alleged that Fayemi was planning to buy a helicopter if he had returned to office for a second term because the plan was for him “to run government from the comfort of Oke-Ayoba Government House and move from there to anywhere he wanted without the people seeing him.”
It added, “That’s also the reason he (Fayemi) refused to renovate the Governor’s Office, leaving it in a state of disrepair because he knew that he was not going to use the office during his second term.
“Also, contract for the maintenance of the property was already awarded for N150m per annum.
“When we visited the Government House for the first time yesterday, Mr Governor was like; how I wish I can sell off this place or turn it to commercial use? It is simply wicked for a governor to be more interested in this manner of ostentatious comfort at the expense of the people.”
Fayose, according to the statement, wondered “if the late sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, whom Fayemi and his so-called progressives claimed as their role-model, lived in any government house, much less of building an Emperor-like house for himself.”
“Did the late Adekunle Ajasin build a monarchical government house for himself? Did Baba Lateef Jakande live in any government house? These are great Yoruba sons, who recorded landmark achievements as premier of the old Western Region and governors of Lagos State and the old Ondo State respectively.
“The duo of Ajasin and Jakande were able to impact tremendously on their states because they did not like to waste public funds on the provision of luxury for themselves.”
The statement said that “left for Governor Fayose, he won’t use that aristocratic government house because it is a symbol of oppression in itself.”
The statement added, “He(Fayose) will prefer to live where Ekiti people can easily see him, touch him, eat with him and discuss the progress of the state together.
“But abandoning it would amount to colossal waste of public funds; but Governor Fayose will not hide himself from the masses.”
Fayemi’s media aide, however dismissed the allegation by Fayose, saying “I have taken a guided tour of that place and I don’t think I have seen such an outcry.
“I don’t know where they got their figure from; it sounds absurd. I ‘ll advise them to stop this theatre of absurd. Governance is a serious business and I am appealing to them not to reduce it to a joke.
“They are turning Ekiti into a circus show and they should stop it. It is childish and puerile for them to have come up with that figure. There is nothing ostentatious about Dr. Fayemi’s lifestyle: the lodge is there as a property of the state.
“Whether Fayose stays there or not is his cup of tea. The new government house is a legacy building. Dr. Fayemi did not go with it to Isan-Ekiti; it is for the state. It is not about personal aggrandisement; it is a befitting edifice for the state. Go to other states of the federation and see their government houses. Ekiti state deserves the best.”