Wednesday 31 December 2014

Photos +18: Caroline Sam (better known to Nigerians as Maheeda) Christmas Photos

Maheeda Christmas Nudity photos


A defiant Maheeda has defended herself against criticisms by Charles Novia. She told a reporter  “I’m not posting those nude pictures on the internet to teach people to start going naked, I posted them because I felt I am sexy and I love sexuality. In Europe, where I live, at a certain age, parents will start to teach their children about sex education. But it is unfortunate that I came from this part of the world where sentiment is attached to everything.
I’m 31 years old and I can’t pretend to behave like a baby or something. I’m sexy and I like it. I’m still spiritually inclined and I have some gospel songs which are not out yet. One of them is Papangolo. Those nude pictures you see is Maheeda. That is me. I am just expressing myself. I’m sexy and I am only appreciating that fact because I love sexuality.

Maheeda’s response has been received with much indignation and the drums of war have heightened.
Sources say that family and friends are racing to get her to stop but have so far met brick wall as her resolve remains unshaken.
While the others have remained silent to the angry roar on their walls, their semi-nude pictures have not been taken down.
The protesters however believe that the war has been worn. Until the online siege broke out, it was rumoured that an avalanche of more lingerie clad female celebs especially from Nollywood were planning to get their own Christmas cards posted online … None has since surfaced.
Their supporters have cried that these celebrities be left alone but even they may not be able to hear themselves.

Airasia Flight Found Upside Down At The Bottom Of The Sea

Passengers on Flight 8501 knew they were going to their doom: Search pilots reveal victims had time to put on life-jackets before jet crashed - and two were found holding hands in the Java Sea

*Seventh body pulled from water at crash site was wearing a life-jacket 

*Pilot assisting search added that three victims were found holding hands

*Details indicate passengers knew plane was about to crash and suggests some may have been alive after impact

*Two coffins arrived at Juanda Airport for identification earlier today

*Family members have been stationed there since the plane vanished from radars just 42 minutes after departing the airport on Sunday

*Next of kin have been asked for DNA samples to help identify the victims 

*More victims are expected to arrive at the airport as the day progresses 

*But search for further bodies is being hampered by stormy weather
Strong winds and currents moved floating wreckage 30 miles overnight 

Passengers on board doomed AirAsia flight 8501 would have have been aware that the plane was going crash, it has emerged, after search pilots revealed victims had time to put on life jackets.

Representatives from Basarnas, Indonesia's search and rescue agency, said a seventh body recovered from the Java Sea this morning was wearing a life jacket, while a pilot assisting the operation claimed three of the victims were found floating in the water still holding hands. 

Some of the recovered bodies were fully clothed, which could indicate the Airbus A320-200 was intact when it hit the water - supporting the theory that the plane did not explode or break up in mid-air and may instead have suffered an aerodynamic stall.

The fact that one person put on a life jacket suggests those on board had time before the aircraft hit the water, or before it sank. 

This would make the search pilot's claim that three of the victims were found still holding hands more feasible, as it suggests not all passengers died on impact, although it raises questions over why the AirAsia captain did not raise a distress signal before the crash.

Ships and planes have been scouring the Java Sea for flight QZ8501 since Sunday, when the AirAsia plane lost contact during bad weather 42 minutes into its flight from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore.

Despite suggestions passengers may have been alive during the plane's final few moments in the air, the the pilots did not issue a distress signal in the time between asking permission to fly higher to avoid bad weather and six minutes later when air traffic control lost contact with the plane.

'This morning, we recovered a total of four bodies and one of them was wearing a life jacket,' said Tatang Zaenudin, an official with the search and rescue agency.

He declined to speculate on what the find might mean.
Earlier Lieutenant Airman Tri Wobowo, who co-piloted the C130 Hercules aircraft that first saw debris of the plane on Tuesday, told Indonesian newspaper Kompas: 'There are seven to eight people. Three [of them] again hold hands.' 

A pilot who works for a Gulf carrier said the life jacket indicated the cause of the crash was not 'catastrophic failure'. Instead, the plane could have stalled and then come down, possibly because its instruments iced up and gave the pilots inaccurate readings.

'There was time. It means the thing didn't just fall out of the sky,' said the pilot, who declined to be identified.

He said it could take a minute for a plane to come down from 30,000 feet and the pilots could have experienced 'tunnel vision ... too overloaded' to send a distress call.

'The first train of thought when you get into a situation like that is to fly the aircraft.'


After Her Fiancé Left Her At The Altar, This Bride Took The World’s Best Photo Shoot

“The moment the first bit of paint hit my dress I was free.”

Shelby Swink, 23, met her ex-fiancé in college back in 2011 and they hit it off right away. The two were happily engaged by March 2014, planning for a November wedding.

“I poured my heart and soul into the wedding plans, because I wanted the day that would celebrate our love and commitment for each other to be absolutely amazing,” Swink told BuzzFeed News.

But when the week of the wedding arrived, Swink’s then-fiancé told her that he was not in love with her and didn’t want to get married.

“Bam. My dreams of marrying and having kids with what I thought was the man I would spend the rest of my life with vanished,” she said.

“I was in complete shock and had no idea what to think or do. I was numb. The next few days were a blur of calling guests and canceling vendors.”

Swink said she was lucky to have her friends and family supporting her, but none of them knew what to do or how to act when what was supposed to be her wedding day rolled around.

But she knew one thing for certain: “A pity party was the farthest thing from what I wanted or needed,” she said.

So the wedding photographer brought up an idea to have a “trash the dress” photo shoot where they would ruin her wedding dress and take fun, nontraditional photos in rebellion.

“At first it sounded crazy, but after really thinking about it, I knew that it was the perfect thing for me,” Swink said. “After all, it was just a dress, a material item.”

“Nov. 1 was supposed to be a fun and happy day surrounded by friends and family who loved me,” Swink continued. “I decided that I would not let my ex-fiancé’s mistake of letting me go take that away from me.”

The former bride-to-be asked both of her parents to be involved in the photo shoot.

“My mom is the one who paid for the dress, so I was nervous as to how she would react when I told her what I wanted to do with it. But both of them were 100% supportive and wanted to be there for me.”

Swink’s dad even brought along some champagne and cigars.

She also wanted her bridesmaids to be there, and they ended up being just as excited as Swink to take the photos.

“I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends.”

Swink’s dress is also being displayed in a local bridal shop in Memphis through the beginning of January. A portion of the proceeds from each dress bought while it’s on display are going to a local nonprofit called Be Free Revolution.

“I can’t even describe how liberating and cathartic the experience was for me,” said Swink. “The moment the first bit of paint hit my dress I was free.”

Despite the fact that she was broken up with a week before her wedding, Swink remains positive and full of inspiration for others.

“Instead of lying down and letting life trample over me, I decided to get up and face it head-on,” she said.

And if she could say one thing to her ex, this is what it would be: “Thank you for sparing me greater pain and loss down the road. Thank you for pushing me to realize my own strength…”

“…Thank you for teaching me that no one can take away my happiness. Thank you for letting me go so I can one day experience true reciprocated love. THANK YOU!”