Wednesday 10 December 2014

ISIS throws man off Roof

As US tears itself apart over torture of terrorists, let's just remember who we're up against: ISIS throws man off roof to his death for being gay

  • An Islamic court ruled that he should be flung from the highest building
  • They posted the graphic images on a jihadist website
  • It is unknown whether the man died instantly from his injuries
  • This is the third execution for homosexuality in less than a month

Chilling new images released by ISIS militants show a group of fighters throwing a man off the roof of a building for being gay.
Moments before he is flung to his death, a mob of at least eight men can be seen atop of the building that is believed to be somewhere in northern Iraq.
Posted on a jihadist website the group go on to show the graphic images of the man's body before seeking to justify the brutal execution.
After dragging the man to the top of a building the mob threw him to his death after he was found guilty by an Islamic court of being gay
After dragging the man to the top of a building the mob threw him to his death after he was found guilty by an Islamic court of being gay
Heavily armed, balaclava clad Islamic State fighters read the judgement which said the man who was found guilty of being gay, should be thrown off the highest point in the city, which is believed to be somewhere in northern Iraq
Heavily armed, balaclava clad Islamic State fighters read the judgement which said the man who was found guilty of being gay, should be thrown off the highest point in the city, which is believed to be somewhere in northern Iraq
It is not known whether the man died instantly after being thrown from the roof. The Islamic court ruled that he should also be stoned to death
It is not known whether the man died instantly after being thrown from the roof. The Islamic court ruled that he should also be stoned to death
'The Islamic court in Wilayet al-Furat decided that a man who has practised sodomy must be thrown off the highest point in the city,'  they said in a statement accompanying the images, adding that he would also be 'stoned to death.'
Wilayet al-Furat refers to an area stretching across the Syrian-Iraqi frontier, where the Euphrates river flows from Syria into Iraq. 
It is not known whether the man died instantly after being thrown off the roof. 

It is the third time in less than a month that the jihadist group has used the brutal execution method for alleged homosexuality.
After claiming they found videos on his mobile phone showing him 'practicing indecent acts with males,' a 20-year old man was stoned to death in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor in late November, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The London based activist group also claimed that an 18-year-old man was subjected to the same punishment in a separate incident.
Public executions are popular with the group who rule parts of northern Iraq and Syria with an iron fist, meting out harsh punishments for actions they see as violating their interpretation of Islamic law, such as adultery, stealing and blasphemy. 
They have also killed a smaller number of foreign captives. 
With children watching in the crowd, the group beheaded a man in northern Syria after accusing him of 'offending Allah' yesterday, reported the Observatory, which tracks the conflict using its own sources on the ground.
A statement posted on a jihadist website said the man admitted to blasphemy before being killed in the countryside of Raqqa province, which the hard line group controls. 

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