Thursday 27 March 2014


The World Cup is just 73 days away and excitement is building. 
It's probably one of the safest bets in sport to assume he celebrated in style. That's something that Ronaldinho has never lost - the ability to throw a damn good party.
It was his 34th birthday on Friday. And we trust that the man who courted controversy in the Brazilian off-season when an image of him standing in front of a harem of bikini-clad girls went viral, marked the occasion like only he knows how.
But images of him partying it up three months out from a World Cup on home soil that could have been the crowning moment for one of the game's magicians don't make for a happy picture. This could have and should have been his time.
Party: Former Brazil star Ronaldinho parties with some friends in the only way that he knows how
Party: Former Brazil star Ronaldinho parties with some friends in the only way that he knows how
On form: Many had hoped that Ronaldinho would make Brazil's squad for the World Cup this summer
On form: Many had hoped that Ronaldinho would make Brazil's squad for the World Cup this summer
Is 34 too old for a World Cup in the modern game? It's probably worth asking three other 34-year-olds who will travel to Brazil with their country's hopes on their backs: Andrea Pirlo, Xavi and Steven Gerrard.
In those outrageous, breath-stealing years at Barcelona, Ronaldinho never relied on pace anyway. No one with his skill set could possibly rely on any one factor. The body and those feet would be more than able to light up the summer. It's the mind and the heart that are the problem.
There was to be no 34th birthday present forthcoming from the brains trust behind the Brazilian national team though. No gift-wrapped olive branch or second or third chance. 
In fact, Luis Felipe Scolari's assistant Carlos Alberto Parreira pooped the party by picking this weekend as the opportune time to confirm that Ronaldinho will definitely not be part of their drive for glory. 
He 'lacked dedication and consistency' in his national team career, said Parreira, unlikely to be invited to the 35th shindig you'd have to imagine.
No thanks: Brazil head coach Luiz Felipe Scolari has confirmed that Ronaldinho is not required this summer
No thanks: Brazil head coach Luiz Felipe Scolari has confirmed that Ronaldinho is not required this summer
Distracted: Ronaldinho's off-field activities have counted against him
Distracted: Ronaldinho's off-field activities have counted against him
A harsh judgement? For some, perhaps. But from this vantage, no. The confirmation that his international career is over leaves one of the most gifted players of all time, a man who put more beauty into the beautiful game than most, staring back at some damn ugly numbers.
Ronaldinho played in his last World Cup in Germany as a 26-year-old. His final total on the biggest stage reads 10 games, two goals, the last of which was that free-kick that sailed over David Seaman's head in 2002.
The weekend after a riveting Clasico, was Ronaldinho ever the same after he left Barcelona? Not even close. His disinterest at AC Milan in two-and-a-half seasons couldn't have been clearer.
There have been flashes back home - the unforgettable duel with Neymar when the elder genius put the upstart in his place and Flamengo beat Santos 5-4 on the back of his hat-trick. 
Leading Atletico Mineiro to the Copa Libertadores was no small feat either. But it's not been the same, not close.
It is in his Brazil career that things couldn't be more stark. Consider this, Ronaldinho never scored another competitive international goal after leaving Barcelona. He only played another four competitive games - in six years.
So he'll be free to party it up with the rest of the world this summer. The only problem is the rest of the world would prefer to see him partying on the pitch. But it's not be. Ronaldinho...all out for 34.

Wednesday 26 March 2014


Topless female activists, their faces smeared in black-and-white paint to look like skeletons, stormed a pro-life rally in Spain on Sunday.
Five members of women’s rights group Femen shouted out "Pro-life is genocide" at the crowd of thousands participating in the anti-abortion gathering in Madrid. Repeat offenders in the group were arrested by police for public indecency, The Local reports. The stunt was meant to voice disapproval of proposed legislation that would severely restrict access to abortions in the county.
The controversial anti-abortion bill, which would make abortion illegal except in the case of rape or when there is a grave health issue associated with the pregnancy,moved forward in Spain's parliament after a secret vote in early February, according to The Guardian. If it passes, the bill would be one of the most restrictive in all of Europe.
Although national polls show 70 to 80 percent of the country wants abortion to remain legal, Spain's conservative government is holding strong for the bill's passage.
“We are not talking about moral issues or electoral advantages, but instead the defense of fundamental rights,” Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon said in support of the bill at the ruling People's Party convention in February, per The Telegraph. He added, “You have my word that no screams or insults could provoke me to abandon my commitment to comply with [the People’s Party] platform to regulate the rights of women and the unborn.”
Femen's recent protest isn’t the group’s first against Spain's anti-abortion bill. In October, members appeared topless inside the parliament, shouting "abortion is sacred," according to The Associated Press.
WARNING: The images below are NSFW.
A Femen protestor shouting at the "Si a la Vida" ("Yes to Life") demonstration near the Puerta del Sol square March 23.

Police officers halt Femen's rally at the "Si a la Vida" rally in Madrid. 

Jeremiah Adebolajo says his sibling Michael was victim of Islamophobia

Outrage as brother of one of Lee Rigby's killers condemns judge for handing down full-life sentence after 'trial by public'

  • Jeremiah Adebolajo says his sibling Michael was victim of Islamophobia
  • Brother could be rehabilitated and judge gave public 'what they wanted'
  • Adebolajo was given a 'whole life' term - Michael Adebowale given 45 years
  • Public angry that BBC allowed man 'platform' to defend his family member.

The brother of one of Lee Rigby's killers said today that the decision to give his sibling a whole life prison sentence was Islamophobic.
Jeremiah Adebolajo believes Michael Adebolajo should not be forced to die behind bars and claims the judge in his Old Bailey trial caved in to 'pressure' after 'gave the public what they wanted'.
Last month Adebolajo, 29, was given a whole-life term, while Michael Adebowale, 22, was jailed for life with a minimum of 45 years.
Adebolajo was given the longest possible sentence because the judge believed he had no hope of rehabilitation, but his brother said today if released he would 'pose no danger to the public' and 'lead a very productive life were he to be released'.

Michael Adebolajo - who killed Lee RigbyJeremiah Adebolajo - brother of Michael
Defence: Michael Adebolajo described himself as a 'soldier of Allah' and attempted to decapitate Drummer Rigby, but his brother Jeremiah, right, says his whole life sentence was Islamophobic
Brave life lost: Lee Rigby was walking innocently along a Woolwich road towards his barracks when he was run down and butchered
Brave life lost: Lee Rigby was walking innocently along a Woolwich road towards his barracks when he was run down and butchered
The British-born extremists mowed down Fusilier Rigby in a car before hacking him to death in the street in front of horrified onlookers near Woolwich Barracks in south-east London in May last year.
    Accomplice: Michael Adebowale was jailed for life with a minimum of 45 years - meaning he could be back on the streets by the age of 67
    Accomplice: Michael Adebowale was jailed for life with a minimum of 45 years - meaning he could be back on the streets by the age of 67
    They both claimed that they were ‘soldiers of Allah’ and were motivated by the plight of Muslims abroad to carry out the killing, and have shown no remorse.
    Today Jeremiah Adebolajo, who like his brother is a Muslim convert, told the BBC Radio 5 Live today that his sibling was unfairly treated.
    He pointed to the sentencing of Pavlo Lapshyn, who was jailed for 40 years for killing a man and planning to bomb three mosques to start a 'race war' in Britain.
    'It seems strange to me that a man can be sentence to (whole) life for the death of one man and another can be sentenced to 40 years for the death of one and the attempted murder of many others,' he told Victoria Derbyshire.
    'I wonder what the difference is here, aside from the guilty plea, aside from that I see that someone has died in both cases.
    'It seems strange that Justice Sweeney can suggest there is no prospect of rehabilitation for my brother but there is for the Ukrainian man who openly stated he wanted to start a race war
    'Yes (it is Islamophobic). Not only that I think it was trial by the public. There was a lot of public outrage, as could be understood. The death of a soldier in any country would provoke that, but I would suggest that Justice Sweeney was giving in to that pressure'.
    During their sentencing last month violence broke out in the Old Bailey dock and the killers began hurling abuse at the judge and fighting with prison guards.
    Anger: The BBC has received criticism for allowing his brother on the air in the first place
    Anger: The BBC has received criticism for allowing his brother on the air in the first place
    Fight: After sentencing began the two killers shouted at Mr Justice Sweeney in protest at his remarks and were pinned to the ground by several security guards and taken back to the cells
    Fight: After sentencing began the two killers shouted at Mr Justice Sweeney in protest at his remarks and were pinned to the ground by several security guards and taken back to the cells
    Taken away head first: Mr Justice Sweeney was forced to sentence the men in their absence after they were bundled out of the courtroom following their violent outburst
    Taken away head first: Mr Justice Sweeney was forced to sentence the men in their absence after they were bundled out of the courtroom following their violent outburst
    In extraordinary scenes, the two Muslim extremists yelled 'Allahu Akbar' and 'You (Britain) and America will never be safe' during their sentencing at the court in Central London.
    Shocking: A blood-drenched Michael Adebolajo (pictured) told witnesses in a video his attack on Drummer Rigby was an act of revenge - 'an eye for an eye'
    Shocking: A blood-drenched Michael Adebolajo (pictured) told witnesses in a video his attack on Drummer Rigby was an act of revenge - 'an eye for an eye'
    Justice Sweeney was forced to jail them while they banged on the ceilings of their cells below the courtroom.
    The judge said the pair's behaviour was ‘sickening and pitiless’, and that Adebolajo had no hope of rehabilitation.
    ‘Your sickening and pitiless conduct was in stark contrast to the compassion and bravery shown by the various women at the scene who tended to Lee Rigby's body and challenged what you had done and said.’
    Jeremiah Adebolajo also said his brother should not have been tried for murder.
    'Lee Rigby was performing a public service. It would have been more fitting, I think, that my brother, a British citizen, be charged with treason for killing a soldier. It is the first time that a man has killed another man and been sentenced to a whole life tariff,' he said.
    When asked if he should one day be released he said: 'I believe my brother would lead a very productive life were he to be released. Were he to be rehabilitated I think he would lead a productive life – I think it’s important not to forget that he has young children himself.'
    Victoria Derbyshire also asked him if he had sympathy for Lee Rigby's family, but would only be drawn on his son Jack.
    'I have a tremendous amount of sympathy towards the son of Lee Rigby who will grow up without a father, and I think my brother does too'.
    Demand for justice: The bereft family of Lee Rigby wore t-shirts in his honour on the day his killers were sentence (Left to right) Stepfather Ian Rigby, his mother Lyn Rigby and sisters Sara McClure and Chelsea Rigby walked into the Old Bailey together
    Demand for justice: The bereft family of Lee Rigby wore t-shirts in his honour on the day his killers were sentence (Left to right) Stepfather Ian Rigby, his mother Lyn Rigby and sisters Sara McClure and Chelsea Rigby walked into the Old Bailey together
    Moving: The only son of Lee Rigby, Jack, holds the hands of the loved-ones as he attended his father's funeral in July. His mother Rebecca told Justice Sweeney that he will grow up to see images of his father' horrific murder
    Moving: The only son of Lee Rigby, Jack, holds the hands of the loved-ones as he attended his father's funeral in July. His mother Rebecca told Justice Sweeney that he will grow up to see images of his father' horrific murder
    Adebolajo is already appealing his conviction on technical legal grounds, using public funds to pay his legal fees.
    His QC told the court that sentencing his client to life without parole would make him a 'martyr', while Adebowale's legal team said a whole-life term would be 'inhuman' for a man that age.
    During their trial, Rigby's bereft family were forced to watch footage and hear gruesome accounts of the soldier being run down at 40mph and hacked to death in the street.
    The jury, who were all offered counselling, took just 90 minutes to find the killers guilty of the fusilier’s murder, but not guilty of the attempted murder of police.

    Before impact: This frame, taken from CCTV footage, shows a Vauxhall Tigra just about to crash into Lee Rigby as he crosses the road 
    Weapon: This battered car was used to crush the soldier against a sign in front. The streak of blood in front shows how they dragged his body into the street
    Weapon: This battered car was used to crush the soldier against a sign in front. The streak of blood in front shows how they dragged his body into the street
    Jeremiah Adebolajo concentrated on the case of Ukrainian white supremacist Pavlo Lapshyn, 25, who murdered a Muslim pensioner and bombed three mosques as he waged a one-man race war in Britain.
    Just five days after arriving in the country last year he killed Mohammed Saleem by stabbing him three times from behind as the 82-year-old made his way home from evening prayers.
    The ‘evil and calculating’ PhD student – who once posed with the British Ambassador when he was awarded the chance to work in Britain – also ordered bomb-making materials online as he plotted mass murder in a series of mosque attacks.
    Pavlo Lapshyn
    Mohammed Saleem, 82, was stabbed as he walked home from a mosque
    Guilty: Ukrainian born Pavlo Lapshyn admitted the murder of Mohammed Saleem, 82, who he stabbed as he walked home from a mosque, and also planting a series of bombs outside mosques
    Horrifying: Nails recovered from the scene of one of three bombings planned by murderer Pavlo Lapshyn
    Horrifying: Nails recovered from the scene of one of three bombings planned by murderer Pavlo Lapshyn
    Crazed: Pavlo Lapshyn catches a bus from Birmingham to Walsall carrying the bomb in this green bag - incredible nobody was killed in the bombings he planned
    Crazed: Pavlo Lapshyn catches a bus from Birmingham to Walsall calmly carrying a home made bomb in this green bag - incredible nobody was killed in the three bombings he planned
    Lapshyn also admitted causing an explosion on July 12 near the Kanzal Iman mosque in Tipton, and engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts between April 24 and July 18 this year.
    This included planting bombs near mosques in Walsall and Wolverhampton, researching locations to plant bombs and buying chemicals on the internet to make explosives.

    Tuesday 25 March 2014

    ...... after 6-0 Chelsea thrashing.

    At least someone's smiling! Ozil, Bendtner and Sagna enjoy themselves on night out just hours after 6-0 Chelsea thrashing.

    After their humiliating hammering by Chelsea, you'd have been forgiven for thinking the Arsenal players had little to celebrate.
    But they put that to the back of their minds by helping Mesut Ozil throw a party for his girlfriend's birthday. 
    Pictures emerged on Monday evening showing Ozil, Nicklas Bendtner and Bacary Sagna having a swell time on Saturday evening as Mandy Capristo turned 24.
    Contrast: Ozil's girlfriend posted this picture on her Instagram page of Ozil, Bendtner and Sagna all smiles
    Contrast: Ozil's girlfriend posted this picture on her Instagram page of Ozil, Bendtner and Sagna all smiles
    Earlier on: Just hours earlier Arsenal were losing 6-0 at Stamford Bridge to Chelsea
    Earlier on: Just hours earlier Arsenal were losing 6-0 at Stamford Bridge to Chelsea
    Capristo posted the picture on Instagrab saying: 'Unforgettable evening #thegracegatsby', which was the theme of the party.
    Ozil also posted the picture on his Facebook page, which received some criticism from Arsenal fans on the social networking site.
    One comment said: 'Nice to see someone is having fun after we lost 6 nil . I would recommend whoever you pay to manage your social media takes a break for a while ! And if you do it yourself you need a better advisor !!!'
    Celebrations: Capristo (second left) was out and about for her 24th birthday
    Celebrations: Capristo (second left) was out and about for her 24th birthday
    Superstar: Capristo is famous for her days in a girlband and now as a solo artist

    Superstar: Capristo is famous for her days in a girlband and now as a solo artist
    Superstar: Capristo is famous in Germany after her days in a girlband and now as a solo artist
    Ozil didn't play in the game at Stamford Bridge due to injury, while Bendtner was also out. Sagna played the full 90 minutes at Stamford Bridge.
    Ozil is currently injured, but would have struggled to help the Gunners losing on Saturday, with Kieran Gibbs mistakenly sent off at 2-0 as Chelsea went on to secure their biggest win over Arsenal and their biggest with Jose Mourinho in charge.
    Say cheese! Capristo poses for Ozil who seems happy to take the snaps in London in the summer
    Say cheese! Capristo poses for Ozil who seems happy to take the snaps in London in the summer
    Say cheese! Capristo poses for Ozil who seems happy to take the snaps in the middle of a road in London
    Say cheese! Capristo poses for Ozil who seems happy to take the snaps in the middle of a road in London

    Cossy Orjiakor Broke her "Rabbit".

    She tweeted about her broken Love Machine and intimacy gadget which has left her stranded.


    • The Jamaican sprinter, who features in a number of Virgin adverts for broadband, was pictured in a nightclub 'daggering' with a female
    • The controversial dance is designed to imitate sexual intercourse
    • It originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica and has been banned by broadcasters in the country
    Usain Bolt has caused embarrassment to Virgin Media after being caught performing crude dance moves at a pre-carnival party in Trinidad and Tobago.
    The Olympic legend, who features in a number of Virgin adverts for broadband, was pictured in Momentum nightclub 'daggering' with a participating female.
    The controversial dance, which originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica, is designed to imitate sexual intercourse.

    Athlete Usain Bolt has been photographed 'daggering' at a pre-carnival party in Trinidad and Tobago
    Athlete Usain Bolt has been photographed 'daggering' at a pre-carnival party in Trinidad and Tobago
    The photographs will be the cause of embarrassment for Virgin Media, the company which Mr Bolt stars in adverts for in the UK
    The photographs will be the cause of embarrassment for Virgin Media, the company which Mr Bolt stars in adverts for in the UK
    This picture shows Usain Bolt with Sir Richard Branson performing in one of his many adverts for Virgin Media
    This picture shows Usain Bolt with Sir Richard Branson performing in one of his many adverts for Virgin Media
    Often seen during carnivals, the dance is known for its sexually explicit style and is usually performed to dancehall music.
    The Olympic record holder appeared happy to be photographed as he took part in the dance in front of fans.
    At the height of six foot and five inches, the Jamaican sprinter towered over the unknown female as they danced together on stage.
    The athlete, dressed in  a black vest and bright orange shorts, also spoke to fans from the stage.
    The Olympic legend, who features in a number of television adverts for Virgin, was pictured in Momentum nightclub
    The Olympic legend, who features in a number of television adverts for Virgin, was pictured in Momentum nightclub
    The dance, which originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica, is designed to imitate sexual intercourse
    The dance, which originated in Mr Bolt's native Jamaica, is designed to imitate sexual intercourse

    Mr Bolt is widely believed to be the fastest man in the world, and has set world records in both the 100- and 200-metre races
    He has since return to his gruelling work schedule as he shares a Instagram video with fans captioned: ‘Early morning Electro Stimulation work out..strengthening of the pain no gain..the journey must continue #SeriousFace #ForeverFaster#ElectroStimulation #StillHungry’.
    Mr Bolt is widely believed to be the fastest man in the world, and has set world records in both the 100- and 200-metre races.
    He has set three world records in the Olympics and won gold medals in the 100- and 200-metre races at both the 2008 and 2012 Games.
    Virgin Media declined to comment.


    Originating from Jamaica, daggering is a controversial dance form designed to imitate sexual intercourse.
    It is considered more explicit than grinding and can include acrobatic stunts in which one partner jumps on to another from a height.
    The dance is said to have been performed in Jamaica for a number of years but has only recently become known by the name daggering.
    There have been efforts in recent years to crack down on daggering in Jamaica, with the nation’s Broadcast Commission banning songs and music videos which show or promote the dance.
    The rise in popularity of daggering has also been a concern for those in the medical profession.
    The dance has reportedly resulted in a rise in the number of men fracturing and damaging their penises.
    Off the ground: At the height of six foot and five inches, the Jamaican sprinter towered over the unknown female as they danced together on stage
    Off the ground: At the height of six foot and five inches, the Jamaican sprinter towered over the unknown female as they danced together on stage

    Monday 24 March 2014


    Think your school run is bad? Incredible moment Vietnamese man takes his kids across a flooded river in a PLASTIC BAG

    • Flood prevented children at a Vietnamese primary from getting to school
    • One of the parents transported the entire class across in a plastic bag
    • Man swam across river and children arrived safe and dry on the other side

    This parent is giving a whole new meaning to ‘school bag’ as he helps a class of primary pupils safely cross a river by taking them in a plastic bag.
    When the children in Sam Lang village, Dien Bien Province, near Hanoi in northern Vietnam could not get to school due to spring floods, one father found an unorthodox solution.
    As the nearby suspension bridge was out of action, he put the children in a plastic bag to keep them dry, and carried them across the flooded river.

    Going in: This bizarre school run was filmed by a teacher in Sam Lang village, Dien Bien Province, near Hanoi in northern Vietnam during the spring floods
    Going in: This bizarre school run was filmed by a teacher in Sam Lang village, Dien Bien Province, near Hanoi in northern Vietnam during the spring floods
    Bagged up: When the local river flooded, preventing the children from getting to school, one parent took them across in a plastic bag
    Bagged up: When the local river flooded, preventing the children from getting to school, one parent took them across in a plastic bag
    Off we go: The unnamed parent took each and every one of the children across the river in the bag
    Off we go: The unnamed parent took each and every one of the children across the river in the bag
    His incredible devotion to the children’s education was filmed by their teacher Tong Thi Minh.
    In the clip, one of the children’s fathers can be seen carefully wrapping up each child in a plastic bag before he launches himself neck deep into the raging torrent.
      Once at the other side, the still dry child jumps out, before the man swims back to pick up another.
      In the clip filmed last year, female teachers and students were seen waiting for their turn to traverse the Nam Po stream.

      On dry land: Once a pupil got out of the bag on the other side, the parent returned to pick up another
      On dry land: Once a pupil got out of the bag on the other side, the parent returned to pick up another
      Safe on the other side: Teacher Tong Thi Minh pictured with the class who were taken across the river in bags
      Safe on the other side: Teacher Tong Thi Minh pictured with the class who were taken across the river in bags
      Keep Calm and Carry On:The father, clearly devoted to the children's education, takes another student in a bag across the river
      Keep Calm and Carry On:The father, clearly devoted to the children's education, takes another student in a bag across the river
      Vietnamese newspaper Tuoi Tre News said a local man was captured holding the bag in one hand and swimming across the water with the other hand despite the powerful currents.
      Miss Minh told the newspaper: ‘It's normal. That's the only way to cross the stream because no bridge can stand floodwater.
      ‘I've taught here since September last year. At first, I did not know how to ford the stream so I had to follow what local villagers did later.’
      According to Miss Minh, many parents in the village also bring their children to school that way to keep their uniforms dry when the area is flooded.
      Staying 'safe': Despite everything parents tell you about not putting a plastic bag over your head, this parent ensures the bag is tied up tight
      Staying 'safe': Despite everything parents tell you about not putting a plastic bag over your head, this parent ensures the bag is tied up tight
      Staying afloat: The parent carried the bag in one hand and swam across with the children one by one
      Staying afloat: The parent carried the bag in one hand and swam across with the children one by one
      Ready for school: A girl getting out of the plastic bag the other side of the river in Sam Lang village, Dien Bien Province, near Hanoi
      Ready for school: A girl getting out of the plastic bag the other side of the river in Sam Lang village, Dien Bien Province, near Hanoi