Monday 14 July 2014


As the river and beach were pummelled from the skies, children cried and screamed in horror, cowering under trees.
'My husband was protecting my young daughter but his back was exposed to the hailstones and he has bruising all over it,' said one woman.
HAILING GOLF BALLS Siberia -7-must credit The Siberian Times, queries Will Stewart 007 985 998 9400.jpg
Footage of the freak weather includes one female voice saying: 'If we die, I love you'
Seconds earlier: The hailstorm happened on a day which saw temperatures rising to 37C
Seconds earlier: The hailstorm happened on a day which saw temperatures rising to 37C
Dozens were seen taking cover from the fail under sun umbrellas and beach side shacks with corrugated roofing.
Towels, beach mats and personal possessions were sent flying by heavy winds.
Heavy winds hit the sandy beach in Novosibirsk late on Saturday afternoon as hundreds were cooling off from the hot summer's day by swimming in the Ob, the fifth longest river in the world.
Bathers said that minutes before the storm there was no clue about the dramatic cloudburst to come.

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