Wednesday 16 December 2015


A bodybuilder who killed a love rival by ploughing into his bicycle at 40mph before driving off has been jailed for life.
Sam Spaven, 27, tracked down 44-year-old Richard Pencott after he found out he was in a relationship with his former partner.

Spaven was caught on CCTV in his Audi after mowing down Richard Pencott Photo: SWNS/Nottinghamshire Police
He smashed his Audi A4 into the father of two in a head-on collision with such force that the bicycle cleared a 10ft security fence.
Mr Pencott died from head and chest injuries, including a fractured skull and numerous broken bones, after the collision on June 24 
A court heard Spaven knew Mr Pencott, a former colleague, finished work at 2pm before cycling home along the A631 in Harworth, Nottinghamshire.
After the crash, he then drove his heavily-damaged car, which had a smashed windscreen, to the gym where he worked in Rotherham where he was later arrested.
Spaven, of Bircotes, Nottinghamshire, pleaded guilty to murder on the first day of his trial at Nottingham Crown Court. He was jailed for life and ordered to serve at least 24 years and 194 days in prison.
Judge Michael Stokes said it was "premeditated, deliberate murder" and told Spaven he used the car "like a weapon".
He added: "You, obsessed as you were with your former partner and mother of your child, were blinded by jealousy and bent on revenge."
The court heard Spaven was in a relationship with Amy Sherwood, with whom he has a son, until April this year when she called it off.
But he became abusive and pestered her after finding out she was in a relationship with Mr Pencott, whom Spaven had known since he was aged two, in June.
Sam Spaven, left, and Richard Pencott Photo: Nottinghamshire Police
Prosecutor Michael Evans said he threatened to kill both of them and even told his former girlfriend: "I'm going to chew your face off'".
Spaven then returned to Ms Sherwood's home in Bircotes on June 24 before telling her: "I know Richard finishes work in 10 minutes. We'll see what happens when I drive past him."
Just hours before he killed Mr Pencott in the hit-and-run, he also posted on Facebook: "Richard Pencott and Amy Sherwood have broken me and my family apart and my boy."
Spaven then drove 1.4miles from Ms Sherwood's house to the A631 and waited for Mr Pencott to leave work before driving straight at him.
A court heard witnesses reported seeing him drive away from the area with a smashed windscreen and a big dent to the bodywork of his Audi.
Damage to the windscreen Photo: Nottinghamshire Police
Mr Evans said: "The Audi did not stop. Sam Spaven continued to work as normal where he made himself a protein shake.
"Sam Spaven knew Mr Pencott. He knew where he worked, when he worked and that Mr Pencott would be riding his bicycle along Blyth Road.
"He intended to kill Mr Pencott and deliberately mounted the pavement at speed and deliberately drove at Mr Pencott striking him head on. His intention to kill was fulfilled. He hoped to get away with it. He has not."
The court heard evidence gathered on mobile phone and social media "built a picture of a man blinded by jealousy and bent on revenge".
Mr Evans added: "It is not often that you are able to get a glimpse of a killer's true inner thoughts about what he did."
The court heard Spaven was behind the counter at the gym drinking a protein shake when he was arrested at 5.37pm on the same day.
Spaven asked colleagues at the gym where he worked if they could tell him where to get his car fixed Photo: Newsteam / SWNS
In an emotional statement, Mr Pencott's family described him as "honest and hardworking" and said he was devoted to his two children who are aged eight and 23.
They added: "This unprovoked and cowardly act has robbed all of my family of a son, a brother and a father.
"Spaven went out to seek some sort of jealous revenge for something that was totally and utterly unfounded. He did not have the stomach or the guts to face my brother.
"Richard's murder has left our family devastated. My mother cannot face life without her youngest son. Lewis and Libby, Richard's children, have been hit very hard by this cowardly act.
"They miss their dad very deeply as we all do and no matter how harsh the sentence imposed on Spaven it cannot compare to the sentence imposed upon all of our family."
Sam Spaven enters the gym where he worked Photo: Newsteam / SWNS
After the hearing, police released video footage captured by a passing lorry driver which shows Spaven driving away from the scene in his damaged Audi.
CCTV footage also showed him walking into the gym in Rotherham carrying a holdall just hours after he murdered Mr Pencott. Nottinghamshire Police also released images of his Audi, which showed the windscreen shattered by the impact.
Nearside view of the vehicle Photo: Nottinghamshire Police
Detective Chief Inspector Hayley Williams, from Nottinghamshire Police, said: "This was a pre-mediated and callous attack on a man who had absolutely no opportunity to defend himself.
"Spaven got behind the wheel with the full intention of using his car as a murderous weapon. He drove straight at Mr Pencott, giving him no chance to avoid the collision.
"Spaven then compounded this terrible act by refusing to stop at the scene, speeding off and leaving Mr Pencott to die by the side of the road.
"His violent actions that summer's day have destroyed a number of lives and left behind nothing but devastation."

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