Tuesday 23 September 2014

Photo: The Seventh Day Adventist Church building located at Maryland Lagos is on fire.


Police detonate two explosive devices at University of Uyo

The police command in Akwa Ibom said it had detonated two Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) found in the male hostel of University of Uyo. Confirming the incident in Uyo on Monday, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Etim Dickson, told newsmen that the explosives were home-made.

Dickson, who said that the IEDs were likely produced by science students of the university, said investigations had commenced on the matter.

He assured the students on campus and parents not to entertain any fear about possible breakdown of law and order in the university community.

He said “the incident has been properly taken care of, we urge students and employees of the institution to go about their normal businesses.”

The IEDs were discovered by the campus security squad known as Operatives of Peace on Campus Initiative (PCI).

The Anti-Bomb Squad of the Nigeria Police had on arrival at the students’ hostel detonated the two improved explosive devices and conducted a search round the other hostel rooms.

Source: NAN



Megan Goods



Megan Goods


Woman gets third boobs implant to scare men away (photos)

Jasmine (Plastic surgery)
Taylor Channel (Make-up boob)

21 year old American Jasmine Tridevil, claimed she had plastic surgery to create a third breast to scare men away. And now she wants her own MTV reality show.
The woman who is based in Tampa Florida, shares pictures on her Facebook page to 'show the struggles she faces because of her surgery.' She said her main reason for getting a third breast was because she didn't want to appear attractive to men.

"I got the surgery because I wanted to turn off guys. I know it sounds crazy but I don’t want to date again ever. I still like to feel pretty. If I got a third breast implant most guys would think that’s weird and gross. But I can still feel pretty. I’m starting a reality show calledJasmine’s Jugs and my ultimate goal is to get it onto MTV. That’s my dream.”she wrote on FB

Jasmine claims she's spent $20,000 on the procedure a few months ago, after struggling to find a doctor who would perform the operation. 
“I called 50 doctors. It was really hard finding someone that would do it too because they’re breaking the code of ethics.” she said
She claims her third breast was made using an implant and skin tissue cut from her abdomen. She said her parents didn't react well when they found out
“My mum ran out the door. She won’t talk to me. She won’t let my sister talk to me. My dad, he really isn’t happy. He is kind of ashamed of me but he accepted it.”

Below was posted sometime last year. It used to be make-up but now Doctor has done it.

Three Breasted Women, Fact or Fiction?
In structural anomalies or anatomic variants of the breast, the presence of a supernumerary nipple is more common than the presence of supernumerary breast tissue with or without an associated nipple-areolar. Accessory mammary tissue is more common in women 2 to 6 percent than in men 1 percent.1 Incidence also varies among ethnic groups; accessory mammary tissue is more common in Asian women than in black or white women
Accessory breasts, also known as polymastiasupernumerary breasts, or mammae erraticae, is the condition of having an additionalbreast. Extra breasts may appear with or without nipples or areolae. … In some cases, the accessory breast may not be visible at the surface. In these cases, it may be possible to distinguish their appearance from normal breast tissue with MRI. In other cases, accessory breasts have been known to lactate, as illustrated in a woodcut showing a child nursing at ectopic breast tissue on the lateral thigh …Polymastia results from the eruption of extra breasts usually along the milk line that extends from axillae to groin. While the location of this tissue is established during embryonic development, it may not become apparent or troublesome until puberty or lactation. In extremely rare cases, extra breasts may appear ectopically on the neck, face, upper arm, shoulder, back, buttock, hip, vulva, perineum, thigh, or even foot.via Wikipedia.
The photo above is the real deal.

I’m told there is a porn video of actress “Taylor Chanel” with three breasts. She claims in the video to have been born with three. Here are a few stills:

The makeup job and prosthesis are very good, excellent blending to match her own skin, but she never had three  breasts before that video. She’s made other videos and she has only two. 

Here is a photo of Taylor.
So, myth busted … pardon the pun. Who can dig up the real name of the model in the following photo?

Islamic Scholar Opens Doors To First Gay-Friendly Mosque In South Africa

A Muslim scholar has opened the doors to what is believed to be the world’s only gay-friendly mosque in Cape Town, South Africa.
According to a BBC report, Dr. Taj Hargey, a professor at Oxford University’s Muslim Educational Centre has completed the ‘Open Mosque’ which welcomes not only gay Muslims, but also invites women to pray alongside men, and even to lead prayers.
open mosque
The opening of the mosque has been condemned by many in Cape Town’s Muslim community with one Muslim group unsuccessfully attempting to block the opening of the mosque.
Dr. Hargey has said that he hoped the mosque would symbolize the open nature of Islam during the times of Prophet Muhammed, who is said to have allowed prominent women like one of his wives, Khadijah to lead prayers.
"This idea of female invisibility is an innovation that came after Muhammad, unfortunately it has become entrenched," said Dr. Hargey.
Although South Africa’s body for Islamic groups, the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC), says it is investigating members’ concerns of the Open Mosque, several members of Cape Town’s large Muslim community have openly criticized the mosque and even labeled the Dr. Hargey an “unbeliever”.
Still, Dr. Hargey hopes the mosque will counter growing Islamic radicalism, and looks forward to the future.

Man allegedly rapes 20-year-old girl, uploads her nude photos online

A 30 year old man has 


30-year-old man has allegedly raped a 20-year-old girl (names withheld) anduploaded pictures, taken during the act, on the social media.

Vanguard gathered that the suspect, Olaniyan Oluwakayode, who hails from Osun State allegedly, raped the victim in his apartment at Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government Area of the state.
The victim, a native of Akwa Ibom State, alleged that after being raped, Oluwakayode took her pictures and uploaded them on a popular social media despite pleas from his sister not to do so.
Oluwakayode, the suspect, however denied ever raping her, saying “she was my girlfriend.”
He (Oluwakayode) was arrested by the Police at Ifako-Ijaiye and brought to the state Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, WAPA.
Speaking to newsmen, the victim said Oluwakayode was never her boyfriend or fiancée, saying “I have my own boyfriend.
“He is a guy that used to stop me any time I was going to work. He approached me for friendship and I refused.
My story— VICTIM
“I did not go to his house as he alleged. On my way back from work Tuesday last week, I saw someone running out of his house. He held my hand saying he wanted to do what was on his mind.
“I asked him why he would do what was on his mind when I had not even accepted his advances. He insisted and dragged me inside the bush. When I wanted to shout, he brought out a knife and said he would kill me there.
“From the bush, he dragged me to his house and locked the door. He used his legs to hold my neck, tore my skirt, my pants and bra, beat me up, and then raped me.”
According to her, “When Oluwakayode’s sister came back around to 9p.m., she asked her brother to open the door, asking him if he wanted to kill me.”
“He has been asking me out for a long time. I was never his girlfriend. I have my own boyfriend.
“He raped me; painfully. Even his sister was crying and he snapped me immediately and his sister even threatened to call his mother.”
‘I only had a fight with my girlfriend’
Narrating his own side of the story, Oluwakayode said: “I only fought with my girlfriend (the victim), but they are accusing me of raping her. I never deny the fact that I snapped her picture when she was naked.
“We were fighting. Any other allegation levelled against me is a big lie. The only thing I did, which I do not deny, is that I took her nude photographs.
“She had been hurting me for a very long period and we had an issue which made me delete her number from my phone. Last week, I got a missed call. I called the number immediately. When I heard her voice, I asked her what she wanted.”
According to him, he met her passing by in June, when he asked for her phone number and she gave it to him.
“She even came to my house and we sat outside and talked. She agreed to date me. There was a day we spoke on phone and she was asking me if I had an apartment. I told her that I didn’t want to rush into anything that I wanted to settle down in my business. I do branding in my house at Ifako.
“They said I raped her; one thing is that I have conscience and she also has conscience: our conscience will judge. I never denied beating her. I did beat her with my head on her face and on her back when she held my manhood.
“All the allegations of bringing out powder, a knife and belt are lies. I have conscience and she has too. That’s all.”

“Abubakar Shekau” Killed Was One Bashir Mohammed

A Nigerian military intelligence source has told SaharaReporters that the top Boko Haram figure killed in a recent operation was one Bashir Mohammed, leader of the Islamist sect’s Uye camp.
Mohammed Bashir's body in Konduga
Cameroonian authorities yesterday released a photo of a dead man they identified as Abubakar Shekau, the loquacious and attention-seeking leader of the terrorist group that has launched deadly strikes in Nigeria’s northeast zone as well as Cameroon.
The Nigerian intelligence source told SaharaReporters that Nigerian soldiers, not Cameroonian troops, had killed Mr. Bashir last Friday in a fierce battle against Boko Haram insurgents in Konduga, Borno State. The late Mr. Bashir, who bore a striking resemblance to Abubakar Shekau and had appeared in a recent video, was killed as he led insurgents who were attempting to capture Konduga and then made a bid to seize Maiduguri, the Borno State capital, as well. Nigerian soldiers routed the Islamist militants in Konduga, killing hundreds of them and capturing weapons as well as vehicles abandoned by fleeing insurgents.
The military as well as Nigerian government-appointed negotiators claim that the original Mr. Shekau had died since last year, reportedly assassinated by his lieutenants.
The intelligence source said Mr. Bashir had adopted Mr. Shekau’s nom deguere and had been the person responsible for issuing video messages in recent times.
Even though our source said the military was cautious not to claim credit for Mr. “Shekau’s” death, he added that the Nigerian military was buoyed by the capture of the armored tank usually displayed in the background of recent videos issued by the sect’s spokesman.

Monday 22 September 2014

Man jailed after trying to arrest prostitute for being very ugly

Prostitute illustration  
A man was jailed after he pretended to be a police officer when an ugly prostitute showed up at his hotel room in China.

Police in Yantai, Shandong, said that the man solicited the prostitute and then harassed her because she was “ugly.”

The 24-year-old man who was identified as Gao, was sentenced to 15 days in jail for impersonating a city official. 

According to the report, Gao met the woman in a chat room on Thursday morning. The two arranged to meet that evening at a local hotel. 

Gao told police that the woman, who identified herself as a 22-year-old sales assistant, provided him with a photo. He agreed to pay 300 yuan (about $50) for sex. 

However, when Gao met the woman, she was dressed in pajamas and looked nothing like the picture. Gao became angry and flashed a fake police identification card, which he had bought online.

He then ordered the woman to come with him, and an argument broke out between them. Hotel guests heard the argument and called police. 

According to the report, Gao posed as a police officer because he was not satisfied with the woman’s appearance and he wanted to vent his anger.

He was arrested and later found guilty of impersonating an officer.

CANNIBALISM: Granny, 2 others nabbed for using boy for pepper-soup

Pepper Soup illustration
MINNA—Three people including the paternal grandmother have been arrested by the Niger State police command for slaughtering a 9-year-old boy and using the body to prepare pepper soup delicacy.
The incidence happened in Koso village in Lavun Local Government Area of Niger State.
Commissioner of Police, Niger State Command, Mr. Olusola Amore, told newsmen that the family of the late boy had reported Liman Doo Mohammed’s mysterious disappearance to the police on the 9th of last month.
However, another report hinted the police that they should beam their search light on the paternal grandmother of the deceased, because he was last seen in her company.
He said based on this vital information, detectives were put on red alert to closely monitor the grandmother called Fatima Sarki’s movement.
Also arrested with her were other relations suspected to be her collaborators.
Amore said on interrogation, the grandmother confessed to have been involved in the dastardly act and mentioned one Zhitsu Aliyu whom she said actually slaughtered the boy.
Another accomplice mentioned was one Amina Musa, who was accused of helping to cook the boy’s remains.
All the suspects have been charged to court on a three count charge of criminal conspiracy, culpable homicide and cannibalism.
According to the Commissioner, ”The pots and plates the suspects used in cooking and serving themselves with the said cooked human flesh were recovered and are now exhibits.”


Cheating couple illustration 

A man who discovered that he is not the biological father of his second child, filed a lawsuit against his cheating wife demanding compensation, according to court documents in Israel.
According to the lawsuit filed with the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court, two years before the couple divorced, they had a second child.
The husband eventually found out that his wife became pregnant while she was having an affair with a coworker. After DNA testing, the coworker learned that he is the biological father of the child. 
The husband told the court that his wife knew all along that he is not the biological father of the second child, and hid the fact from him so that he pays child support.
He also sued for suffering mental anguish and physical injuries. The court ordered the woman to pay her former husband 6,000 shekels ($1 = 3.65 shekels), which he paid as alimony. 
The judge also ordered the woman to pay her husband 37,000 shekels for deceiving him. 
However, the judge ruled that the husband failed to prove that he suffered mental anguish or physical injuries as a result of the lie.

Five Boko Haram fighters surrendered to soldiers – DHQ

Following the several defeats Boko Haram terrorists suffered in the hands of Special Forces of the Nigerian military, some of the insurgents have surrendered to the Nigerian armed forces even as some of them who were captured during encounters were said to be giving useful information to the troops.

The Defence headquarters which disclosed this yesterday also said the fresh attempt by Boko Haram to attack Konduga town was frustrated by the troops that inflicted a heavy defeat on them.
The terrorists were said to have attempted to infiltrate the town to avenge the deaths of hundreds of their members and to also retrieve their bodies Vanguard gathered that the renewed determination with which troops of the Nigerian military were now confronting the terrorists, had so much taken many of the insurgents aback that they now prefer to surrender when they are overwhelmed rather than get killed.
As at the early hours of Sunday, about 11 terrorists were said to have surrendered while many of those arrested, are now cooperating with the military and volunteering information about their plans and activities. Several dangerous weapons including Anti-Aircraft guns and Rocket Propelled Grenades, General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMG), AK 47 and ammunitions, were recovered during the confrontation.
BOKO HARAM—A cache of arms and ammunition allegedly captured from Boko Haram members in Kodunga, Borno State, weekend. Courtesy: DHQTRS.
BOKO HARAM—A cache of arms and ammunition allegedly captured from Boko Haram members in Kodunga, Borno State, weekend. Courtesy: DHQTRS.
Confirming the incident in its twitter handle, Defence Headquarters said, “An attempt by another set of terrorists to gain entry to Konduga was yesterday foiled by troops.
It is believed that the terrorists’ move was aimed at recovering the bodies of their prominent fighters who had died in previous encounters in the area”.
“And as the heat on terrorists continues, five terrorists yesterday surrendered with all their weapons to troops at Konduga pleading for mercy”. “Other captured terrorists have also been giving useful information on the subsequent plans of the group in an apparent offer to co-operate”

Friday 19 September 2014


Toddler Breaks Military Protocol To Greet Returning Soldier Mum

And that certainly seemed the case in this emotional reunion between a female soldier and her toddler son.
Kathryn Waldvogel was returning home to Minnesota after serving a nine-month tour in Afghanistan when she was spotted by three-year-old Cooper.
toddler greets soldier mother
To hell with the rules! Cooper Waldvogel rushes up to his mother
The 11th Transportation’s sergeant had instructed the members of the National Guard to stand in formation until dismissed, before they greeted their loved ones.
But the little boy’s joyous reaction saw all military protocol thrown out the window as he bounded up to his mother, arms outstretched.
toddler greets soldier mother
'I was longing to hold him': Waldvogel had been in Afghanistan for nine months
Waldvogen threw similar caution to the wind by dropping to her knees and enveloping her son in a warm hug.
The emotional reunion was captured by a photographer from news station KARE, and at time of press had been “liked” almost 100,000 times.
Waldvogen told KARE: “I was longing to hold him, that’s all I thought about.”

Wednesday 17 September 2014


White baby born to BLACK mum in 1,000,000-1 odds birth becomes modeling sensation

Little Jonah - who is completely white and has blue eyes, whereas mother Catherine has dark
 black skin - has already been signed up by five agencies

Catherine Howarth
Proud: Parents Richard and Catherine with Jonah
GoogleMilton Keynes Hospital
Birth: Jonah was born at Milton Keynes Hospital
white baby born to a BLACK mum in a 1000,000-1 odds birth has become a modelling sensation.
Parents Catherine and Richard Howarth have been flooded with offers of work by agencies for little Jonah, who was born with blue eyes and pale white skin.
Mum Catherine has the dark black skin of her Nigerian heritage, while her husband Richard, 34, is white.
Doctors say the chances of Jonah being white too were an incredible one in a million.
And Jonah's mix of good looks and his diverse heritage have attracted the attention of modelling agencies.
He has so far been signed up by five leading agencies and appeared in several photoshoots.
Agent Charlotte Evans, owner of the Elisabeth Smith agency, told the Daily Mail: ‘Jonah has a lovely shaped face and a beautiful complexion. He’s also very photogenic.’
When he was born, mum Catherine wasn't the only one who was stunned by his appearance.
“The midwife looked at me and looked back down at Jonah and then at me again and couldn’t believe it,” said Catherine, 32.
“The doctors confirmed it was extremely rare.”
Husband Richard, 34, a medical recruitment consultant, was equally astonished. He had expected his son, who was born at Milton Keynes Hospital on June 1, to have darker skin.
He said: “When I first set eyes on my baby boy Jonah, it was a feeling of pure delight and relief that he was healthy and strong. His complexion was very pale due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck when he was being delivered.
“After a few hours his colour came to his cheeks. Catherine and I noticed his complexion was very similar to mine and were surprised it was as light. The midwives and doctors told us he’ll most likely remain this colour.”
Financial analyst Catherine said: “Some children get darker after a few weeks when the skin colour they will have for life starts to become obvious. But you can see from the colour at the tips of their ears what that will be. We saw straight away that Jonah was fully white.”
Doctors have said he is not an albino.
“We have been told that I must have been carrying a recessive gene,” said Catherine.
“My parents were from Nigeria and, for as far back as anyone can remember, my family have all been black.
“But at some point there must have been a white gene in my family that has remained dormant for years and years – until now.
“The doctors said they had researched the chances of this happening and discovered that it was very, very rare.
“They had only found two similar cases, both in America, that had been reported in recent times.”
Catherine and Richard, from Milton Keynes, plan to have more children but have been told the chances of them also being born white are highly unlikely.
Jonah’s remarkable colour follows the birth in 2010 of Nmachi Ihegboro, who is white despite having two black parents.
Nine years ago, mixed-race couple Kylie Hodgson, 27, and Remi Horder, 25, from Nottingham, became parents to twin daughters – one white and one black.
Yesterday, delighted Catherine said: “Despite the initial shock, Richard and I couldn’t be happier. Jonah is a beautiful, happy and smiling son, and I adore him.”
And Richard said: “The colour of his skin is of no concern – Jonah being a healthy and happy baby is what matters.



Wendy Williams Eats Crow After Saying Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Marriage Wouldn't Last Wendy Williams lost a major bet! Last season on The Wendy Williams Show, the host said thatKim Kardashian and Kanye West's marriage wouldn't last longer than 72 days. Williams also promised that if they made it passed 72 days, she would eat crow!So, now that the couple is still together after over 100 days, Williams had to make good on her promise. She actually ate crow in front of viewers around the world, and a live studio audience! Check out the video to see all of the action!Mr. and Mrs. West seem to be stronger than ever. 

They're married, they're touring together, and they're planning on expanding their family. It doesn't look like these two are splitting up anytime soon.As a result of losing her bet, Williams needed to eat crow, and she actually did it! Props to her for doing it! Most people wouldn't have acknowledged the bet if they lost, so good for her!

WW Fulfilling her promise.