Monday 15 September 2014


So, anyways, this photo of "Only one Harmony" preparing to sing at The Riverside Church in New York was brought to my attention last night with the question, “Is this outfit appropriate for her to be singing in the church?”
Given the stated mission of the church, this outfit would perhaps be entirely acceptable:
The Church commits itself to welcoming all persons, celebrating the diversity found in a Congregation broadly inclusive of persons from different backgrounds of characteristics, including race, economic class, religion, culture, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, family status and physical and mental abilities. Members are called to an individual and collective quality of life that leads to personal, spiritual and social transformation…
However, even given the church’s mission and acceptance of all, I just can’t get over the fact that this is a church.

What do you think?  Even given the mission of the church, is this outfit acceptable?

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