Monday 22 September 2014


Cheating couple illustration 

A man who discovered that he is not the biological father of his second child, filed a lawsuit against his cheating wife demanding compensation, according to court documents in Israel.
According to the lawsuit filed with the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court, two years before the couple divorced, they had a second child.
The husband eventually found out that his wife became pregnant while she was having an affair with a coworker. After DNA testing, the coworker learned that he is the biological father of the child. 
The husband told the court that his wife knew all along that he is not the biological father of the second child, and hid the fact from him so that he pays child support.
He also sued for suffering mental anguish and physical injuries. The court ordered the woman to pay her former husband 6,000 shekels ($1 = 3.65 shekels), which he paid as alimony. 
The judge also ordered the woman to pay her husband 37,000 shekels for deceiving him. 
However, the judge ruled that the husband failed to prove that he suffered mental anguish or physical injuries as a result of the lie.

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